Support for SMEs

Support for SMEs



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Support for SMEs

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SME Export Marketing Fund
Dedicated Fund on Branding, Upgrading and Domestic Sales (BUD Fund)
Trade and Industrial Organisation Support Fund
SME Financing Guarantee Scheme
Technology Voucher Programme
Enterprise Support Scheme
Chinese Medicine Development Fund
Cleaner Production Partnership Programme
Construction Innovation and Technology Fund
Cyberport Accelerator Support Programme
Cyberport Creative Micro Fund
Cyberport Incubation Programme
Cyberport Macro Fund
Cyberport Overseas/Mainland Market Development Support Scheme
Design Incubation Programme
Development Fund for the Travel Industry
Digital Transformation Support Pilot Programme
Farm Improvement Scheme
Fashion Incubation Programme
Funding Scheme for Experiential Programmes at Innovation and Entrepreneurial Bases
Funding Scheme for Youth Entrepreneurship in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area
General Support Programme
Green Tech Fund
HKSTP Acceleration Programme
HKSTP Incubation Programme
HKSTP Incu-Bio Programme
HKSTP Venture Fund
Innovation and Technology Support Programme
J.E. Joseph Trust Fund
Kadoorie Agricultural Aid Loan Fund
New Energy Transport Fund
New Industrialisation and Technology Training Programme
New Industrialisation Funding Scheme
Partnership Research Programme
Patent Application Grant
Pilot Scheme for Characteristic Local Tourism Events
Pilot Subsidy Scheme for Third-party Logistics Service Providers
Professional Services Advancement Support Scheme
Recycling Fund
Research and Development Cash Rebate Scheme
Smart Traffic Fund
Sustainable Agricultural Development Fund
Sustainable Fisheries Development Fund
Technology Start-up Support Scheme for Universities
Vegetable Marketing Organization Loan Fund
